Revolutionize loan approvals, verification, & onboarding

Integrate seamlessly with your loan management system, build a full KYC digital onboarding process, or use our module stack for building a complete end-to-end solution.

Gathr Hero Section

Used by lenders serious about the cost of capital and financial access

Why do clients use Gathr?

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Reduce Human Error & Fraud

See up to a 43% increase in conversions for completed applications.

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Onboard 40% More customers

Human error and fraud result in
an inefficient system and impact underwriting and risk analysis models.

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Overcome Fragmented Technology

The legacy and manual LMS being used result in fragmented processes that leave all stakeholders frustrated.

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Access Raw Data at Scale

Gathr gives you access to raw data to optimize your products. Whether you’re making a loan-scoring decision or working out which dates you’ll be able to hit better collection rates.

Solution Overview

Enhance your LMS by bringing it full circle with complete digitisation

KYC, FICA, Affordability, and Credit Bureau modules you can seamlessly integrate via APIs into your workflows to achieve faster approvals, enhanced compliance, and a superior customer journey. A customer journey that sets you apart in the finance market.

Gathr Module Overview Image

Gathr Transactional Information. A detailed look into affordability, expenses, and a clear understanding of an individual’s financials based off Online Banking, USSD, or Manual Uploads.

Verify Bank Accounts for Collection Purposes. Verify that a particular applicant is the owner of the bank account they claim

Validate Proof of Address Documents.
Reads document address and verifies against application data.

Validate ID Documents. Use state-of-the-art facial and document recognition technology to make sure your customers are who they say they are, at a fraction of the cost of a manual process.

Validate & Verify. Match and verify a South African ID with Home Affairs, and check that the individual is alive. Verify whether a South African ID document or driver’s license against Home Affairs, and has not been tampered with. Verify businesses using the CIPC API integration.

Credit Reports & Scoring. Run credit bureau checks and pull credit reports. A detailed summary of the credit history and payment records from a customer’s credit accounts.

Case Studies At a Glance

For one client, Gathr has been used to digitise a financial product and tap into 2 million unserved customers. It has allowed others to improve actual application completions by over 40%.

It has helped some drastically reduce fraud.  And most importantly, it enables anyone to launch a KYC and FICA-driven product within weeks by leveraging technology instead of building it. What will your result be?

% Increase in conversions

% Fraud Reduction

Initiation to Market

Get the Use Case & Overview Doc

Your full guide to getting started with any part of our Gathr solution and marketplace integrations.

Want a peek?

Seeing and feeling is believing, right? If you’re not quite ready to book a 15 or 30-minute, check out our general process mockup below.

How we enable onboarding & verification for the finance industry and existing LMS’s.

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Technical Onboarding & Product Set Up

We have a simple 5-step process to getting started with Gathr. Firstly we wrap up your demo call, proposal, and contract agreement. We then kick off the technical onboarding process by setting up the Dev and Staging Environments, followed by configuring tenant-specific modules according to the final solution and proposal.

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API Integration & User Acceptance Testing

The next step is consuming the appropriate module APIs by completing the mapping and whitelisting process. We then make sure the UAT credentials are shared with all required parties and get started with testing. We aim for a high level of responsiveness, engagement, and quick turnarounds.

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Production, Maintenance & Support

With a live product comes full support to make sure your solution is making a difference in the lives of your customers. Once the proposed solution has been pushed into production, we work with your technical team to maintain the solution. And, offer the best support we can to  grow the partnership.

Got some questions?

Talk to our sales team to see how you can transform your loan approval, verification, & onboarding systems.